Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sympathy For The Octopus

Koreans eat dog which is considered a national yet somewhat secret delicacy but I'm more disturbed by their consumption of octopus. Ask any Hindu and they'll agree that having eight arms is a sign of perfection. The Pythagorean octave, Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Ti-Do is embodied in these highly sensitive creatures who can conform to any surrounding patterned background instantly through consciously directed skin pigment alteration or eject of a cloud of black ink to confound predators. Yet these sensitive and intelligent creatures are harvested in this country solely for the purpose of improving male impotence. My opinion: Get yr boners somewhere else, tough guy. Whenever I pass them in seafood tanks I have to fight the urge to free them from their fate of becoming soup by turning the tank over and letting them spill into a sewer grate that leads back to the sea. Maybe humankind can only progress by first putting another in it's place and if that's the case my vote goes to the octopus.

That said I accidentally ordered some octopus the other day by mistaking the white meat mixed with vegetables in the photo on the menu for chicken. It was actually pretty good, but still, you know, there's dumber animals out there that are just as tasty.

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