Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chicken Feet

This is a plate of chicken feet dredged in spicy hot chili sauce. You pick 'em up and massage the bones and talons out of the foot skin and then drop the rubbery sock of rooster flesh into a communal bowl of rice and seaweed and roll up a ball of flavor to pop into your mouth.

I couldn't do it. Seeing those intricate patterns of chicken foot flesh through the veneer of hot sauce set my instinct off. It seemed to be saying to me in lucid, crystalline tones "Whatever you do, do not eat this shit."

Luckily there were plenty of side dishes like potato pancake, some fiery hot onion soup in clear broth, a bowl full of scrambled eggs in some sort of sauce, and pickled cabbage. I'm sure I offended everyone with my hoity toity cracker ass refusal to eat the main dish but instinct is instinct. Some long lost ancestor of mine must have killed a chicken and decided its lowest part, the part that roots through the ground for worms, claws through shit all day, and tears at the flesh of enemies is unclean to ingest. I can't argue with that.


  1. why would people eat this shit? i guess it's sorta cool that they use all parts of the chicken so nothing does to waste. but you'd think that now that their standard of living is a bit higher than say, back in the days that they were forced to eat shit like chicken feet, that they would stop eating shit like chicken feet. i guess old habits die hard. either that, or chicken feet taste really, really good, but i find that a bit hard to believe!

  2. I find myself wondering the same thing a lot. Like when I order beef soup and it's a broth with a couple cow kneecaps floating in it, or order fish and it's just a hallowed out head with eyes. Living on a small over populated landmass for thousand of years has just made the cuisine this way. Steak is a delicacy that gets served to a group in a nearly raw medallion for five people to cut little slices off. Somedays I wake up wishing I was in Buenos Aires again where you can order a five dollar strip of tender grilled beef loin the length of yr forearm at any corner restaurant. It comes topped with a fried egg and served on pile of french fries. Goddamn I'm hungry.
