Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rubber Ducky

There's a "Western Bar", a bar that emulates a real American drinking hangout by serving Budweiser and chicken strips, called Rhythm and Booze near my apartment and I'll drop by every so often for a drink. I had the day off this past Friday for the Buddha's Birthday, a way better reason not to work than Labor Day in my estimation, so after a rough Thursday after my night class that ends at 8:20pm I headed out to see this girl punk rock band dressed in Catholic schoolgirl's uniforms called Rubber Ducky play. They opened with Nirvana's "Lithium" and I was instantly hit with a blend of attraction and nostalgia. Several songs into the set they played "Um-Bop" by Hansen to the effect that I began to feel nonplussed and homesick for the underground niche I could inhabit in San Diego and L.A. where the filter knows Kurt Cobain's songwriting shouldn't be showcased beside a corporately constructed boy band. The hilarity of it wasn't lost on me though and I look forward to witnessing more bizarre reinterpretations in this establishment where you can drink $2 gin and tonics served by dolled up bartendresses and contemplate cultural absurdities.

1 comment:

  1. Is it wrong that the picture of you holding the gin and tonic from your point of view made me salivate. Three things that could have caused this; for instance, familiarity, the lighting reflecting on the ice cubes or the pant leg. Either way, good job capturing the moment.
